Getting Started

3 Reasons to Wait Until 70 to Claim Social Security Benefits

In a rush to file for Social Security benefits at age 62? Many people are – but slow down and do the math first.

When it comes to claiming Social Security retirement benefits, you may want to consider waiting to start benefits when you’re 70. That means not starting benefits when you’re 62 (which is still popular with many), nor even full retirement age (which is somewhere between 66 and 67 for most Baby Boomers). I know that starting benefits at age 70 might be a tough thing to reconcile with — but it doesn’t mean that you have to work until you’re 70. Here are three reasons why delaying taking your Social Security benefit to age 70 is a decision you may want to consider:

Every individual’s and couple’s needs are different when it comes to claiming Social Security. But maybe waiting until age 70 is something we should seriously consider.

Even if you’ve already filed, you may find that you’re eligible for a do-over. You can withdraw your application for up to 12 months after you file, and reapply later. But you only get one do-over. If it makes sense for you to do this, you’ll have to pay back the Social Security benefits that you received, and in many cases your IRA or 401(k) may be where you have to get that money.

If you aren’t sure which Social Security claiming strategy is the best fit for your needs and goals, talk to a financial adviser who is knowledgeable about retirement income planning and, specifically, Social Security benefits. An experienced professional can lay out all your options and help you work out a timeline.