Best Practices for Managing Your Credit

When you are applying for a mortgage, car loan, home-equity line, insurance, home rental, or job, be aware that your credit score may impact your application. Few other numbers help or hurt your life so deeply. Learn more about managing your credit to improve this key indicator in your financial life.

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Lessons from the Great Recession of 2007 – 2009

After the Great Recession from 2007 to 2009 hit, far too many Americans found themselves without any savings to get through the hardships of unemployment, falling house prices, dwindling 401(k)s, and increased financial anxieties. Don’t let this happen to you.

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Is it Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?

Over time, mortgage rates fluctuate. Depending on where rates currently stand, now may or may not be a good time for homeowners to consider refinancing their mortgage. How can you determine whether it makes sense at any given point to refinance your mortgage?

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Five Questions to Ask as You Consider Retiring

As you consider retiring, how do you know when you are really ready for it, mentally and financially? For decades, the normal retirement age was 65. This was when you became eligible for Social Security and Medicare. But things are different today. Answer these five questions to find out how, when, and if you should…

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Careful planning can help manage competing financial priorities

Does this sound familiar? You keep meaning to increase your retirement plan contribution, but there just seem to be too many other financial priorities that get in the way. Fortunately, with a little planning, you can develop a strategy to cover those expenses and help stay on track for retirement.

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