
Student Debt Is Deeper Than You Think

Every generation bemoans the fact that things today are far more expensive than they were 20 years ago. In 1940, the median home value in the U.S. was just under $3,000. Sixty years later, the median home price was just under $120,000.1 But most of the increase has nothing to do with inflation. In fact,…

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Retirement Investing – Market Volatility

Market volatility is an inevitable part of investing. These bouts of volatility can be unnerving, but they are a normal feature of long-term investing. Retirement investors should expect to see market declines periodically throughout their investing careers.

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Private Foundations – Beyond Traditional Charitable Giving

For many affluent individuals, occasional gifts to a favorite charity may satisfy their charitable inclinations. The added incentive of an often substantial tax deduction, coupled with various estate planning benefits, can be the driving force behind such charitable gifts. However, for some individuals, philanthropy is a far more serious endeavor, often involving a succession of…

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Maximizing Health Insurance Tax Deductions

Individuals and business owners alike are concerned about the already high, and continually rising, cost of health insurance. But whether you are an employee, an employer, or a self-employed individual, there are a range of Federal tax deductions available to you, including breaks provided by Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and similar tax-advantaged accounts.

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About Social Security – Knowledge is Your Retirement Power

Social Security is intended to provide only a minimum level of retirement income to go toward covering the basic necessities: food, shelter, and clothing. It was never intended to be your only source of retirement income. The rest will be up to you! The age which the Social Security Administration considers full retirement age has…

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What Rising Interest Rates Mean For You

You’ve probably seen news about the Federal Reserve raising the prime rate, which trickles down to the interest rates charged and paid by banks, credit card companies and others. But what does this really mean for you or for your business?

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