
Going back to basics for business capital

Capital is a catalyst. It is a necessary ingredient for a business to launch, grow, make an acquisition, transfer ownership, or weather challenging times. Lenders play a crucial role in helping businesses achieve their goals – and there are lots of things businesses can do to make the process smoother and more effective.

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What should you look for when choosing a bank?

Whether as a business or an individual, your relationship with your banker and financial advisor is important. It requires a high level of trust that goes far beyond simply securing your money, conducting a transaction, or paying interest. As the banking industry has changed, customers have options that run from new online-only banks to huge…

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Business banking when working from home ideas

With more and more of us working from home, the trend towards mobile and remote banking for businesses is picking up steam. Lots of us are comfortable using this technology for our personal finances, but it’s worth considering how business banking is different and what you and your bank can do to protect your business…

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Reimagining your workplace

When rapidly changing economic or consumer trends hit a business’s bottom line, they might need to reimagine their business plan as well as their workplace. Businesses may find themselves wrestling with questions like: What is the role of the physical space my business occupies – to make things, sell things, provide a place for individual…

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Finding financing that fits your business

For smaller businesses, debt sometimes gets a bad rap. But for many businesses, access to business line of credit may not only be necessary, but a smart move. Knowing how to select the right financing and manage it wisely can help a successful small business become a larger successful business more than managing everything on…

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Credit for your business

Deciding if and when you should apply for business financing can seem a little overwhelming. How do you know when the timing is right? Where can you learn about the different options for business credit? What can you do to increase the likelihood of a loan approval?

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