
How to maximize your paycheck

Sometimes getting your paycheck to cover all your expenses can feel like carrying water in a leaky bucket – by the time you get where you were heading, it’s empty. With nothing leftover, building financial security can seem impossible.

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Saving vs. Investing: What to keep in mind

It was a problem we all had as kids when we found a dollar: Does it go into the piggy bank or get spent on something to enjoy into the future? The options change as we get older, but the same kinds of calculations and questions arise. As adults, we are told saving is good,…

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What should you look for when choosing a bank?

Whether as a business or an individual, your relationship with your banker and financial advisor is important. It requires a high level of trust that goes far beyond simply securing your money, conducting a transaction, or paying interest. As the banking industry has changed, customers have options that run from new online-only banks to huge…

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New job? Here are 3 tips to set your financial course

You earned your degree and scored your first “real” job – congratulations! Your professional career is off and running. But what about your financial future? Amid all the paperwork, introductions and passwords is an important opportunity to set the course for your adult financial journey. Here are three easy tips to help keep you on…

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Saving for college? Consider these 2 things

If you’re like most parents, you’ve spent more than a few sleepless nights worrying about your child’s future. After general happiness and wellness, one major concern often tops our minds: How to start saving for college?

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What to look for in a financial institution during a crisis

During uncertain and unprecedented times, we depend on our financial institutions to help guide us through the storm. However, for too many of us, our financial institutions are not living up to our expectations now that we need them most. Whether it is applying for a loan, updating a financial plan, or simply getting reassurance…

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