Improve my Financial Fitness

A health savings account for a healthier financial future

Health insurance is so complicated that many people and businesses would rather stick with what is familiar, even if they don’t like it or fully understand it, than try something new. However, it may be worth taking a second look at Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), a flexible tool that could revolutionize the health insurance system – and save money.

Seem impossible? Just remember 401ks were once seen as novel and hard to understand, but now are one of the main ways people save for retirement. HSAs have the same potential, and in fact share more in common with 401ks than you may realize. Here’s a quick primer:

Are you an employer curious about how an HSA could enhance your benefit offering and help employees? Or an individual with an HSA wondering how it fits into your overall financial wellness picture? Give the experts at Alerus a call. We can explain more of the ins and outs of HSAs and help you get the most out of what this unique benefit can offer.